Every September, the Edmonton Sailors head down to the Gorge for 7 (ish) days of sailing and fellowship.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Some last Photos - a different perspective

Here are some photos that Kent and I took during our last session!
Spencer Sailing Past
Brad - Hangin...

Spencer - Flying

Kent coming over to see what is going on...

Good Day!!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

Sunday - Home Safe

Spencer and I were on the road by 7:30am, and drove pretty well straight through to Camrose.

The trip was uneventful. Spencer took a turn driving a couple of times. When we arrived home it was 27 degrees and calm, so we got the boat out and Spencer went Wake Boarding.

I hear that the FOM who stayed behind got an excellent day of sailing at Roosevelt Sunday.

Looking forward to the Spring trip!!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Saturday – Time to Pack Up and Go Home – But First....

It was still blowing when we woke up. Most of us have to go home today, but Ross, Blain, Gerry and Ed may be staying for another day or two.
We cleaned up the house, and then headed for the Hatchery. Spencer and I arrived about 9:30 and were on the water by 10:00. Kent beat us to the water on his 4.7. I rigged my 5.6 Hucker on the Free xxx board, and Spencer went on the 3.7 and Acid. Most of the other guy’s decided to wait until it to build.
I had a disposalble waterproof camera, so I tucked it in a life jacket and tried to go out and get some photos. I took some of Kent – then he volunteered to take some of me and Spencer. I gave him the life jacket and camera and took after Spencer. Unfortunately we weren’t able to hook up with all three of us in the same location for a photo. About 2 reaches after I gave the life Jacket to Kent, my mast base disconnected from the Board on the far side. It was all I could do to catch the board. Felt like I was going to have a heart attack when I caught it. Good thing I didn’t have the life jacket or I would still be drifting…
We had a great sail for a couple of hours – though we were overpowered by the end as the wind picked up. I followed Spencer on a few reaches and he had some very nice Jumps and wave rides. He says he cuts hard enough to make a spray both ways on the waves. Very impressive for three days in the gorge.
Spencer and I quit at noon and packed up. The others decided to go out for one last session.
They were coming in as we were leaving so we were able to say our good bye’s. The plan is to meet Kent in Cranbrook to share a hotel room.
What an incredible trip!

Friday, September 14, 2007

Friday - Another Windy day at the Hatchery

It was blowing fairly hard when we got up.
Spencer and I arrived at the Hatchery around 10:00am.
Everyone else was about an hour later.
Spencer rigged 3.2 on the Acid, and I was on my 4.8 and Freexxx Board.
We had a very good morning session in big swell with not many people around.
Everyone else rigged 4.2 or 3.7 - except Andreas, who was on the 4.8.
It was a very relaxing day compared to yesterday, but still one of the best days of the week.
The wind picked up around noon. Ross had stopped at Realwinds earlier in the day and talked Laurie into lending him a 2.7 for Spencer. That really saved the day, because Spencer would have been done at noon if he wasn't able to rig down.
Kent REALLY likes his new yellow Realwinds 250 board.
Great wave rides by Kent, Andreas, Ross, Harold and Blain.
Incredible jumps by Ross, Gerry, Kent and Mike.
I had some very nice Jumps in the Morning - and some of my best wave rides yet (but I'm not in the same league as Andreas, Ross, Kent or Blain.....)
Ross spent some time teaching Spencer how to wave ride. He had lots of fun carving wave faces - and this also helped him keep downwind. Everyone was very impressed. Spencer was also trying some jumping. Some of them on purpose and some not. In the moring he had a few big crashes - He landed on the rig duing one - and his harness went through the 3.3m sail. Thanks Mike - for the Sail tape (Mine is in the kitchen at home...)
We came off the water at about 5:30. It was getting dark by the time we were de-rigged and ready to leave.

Andreas broke his Mast Base. I guess if you are going to break something - the mast base is about the cheapest piece of equipment on the rig......

Mike - Styling in the waves...

Kent and Jim - taking a break to watch the action...
Jim had a late lunch - and got stung by a wasp which was hiding in his sandwich. He got about 5 bites in his mouth. It took him quite a while to recover. He sounded like he had been to the dentist......

Some of us got to see Mr. Happy Face much more closely than we expected to. I'm not saying who - but I know one young boy who will be watching more closely next time.

Spencer eating lunch before heading out for another session on the 2.7

Spencer - Sailed Hard all day!!!
Great wave rides - and at least 4 Jibes!!!

The pro's at Kodiak Point - after the wind mostly died.....

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thursday - "No Wind Day...NOT....

The forecast was for light Easterlies - 5-10mph turning westerly in the afternoon. Everyone who we asked - said no sailing today....
Brad and Blain booked a round of golf. Mike, Kent and Harold were going to go Biking....
After breakfast at Bett's, Spencer and I were walking back to the House.... We passed this interesting home with the large driveway at about a 30 degree slope...

Can you imagine backing your trailer down this driveway. The photo doesn't do it justice. You couldn't do it in Alberta - at least not in the winter.

Anyway - we noticed that there were white caps on the river - and that the wind was westerly...

We drove to the Hatchery. I thought Spencer might be able to get going on a big sail and board. When we got there it looked quite windy - so we rigged a 4.2 for Spencer and he went out on the 90L Freexxx Board. He was totally overpowered. We then rigged him the 3.3 and he went out on the 77L Acid. (Our smallest board and sail). He had some good runs - and even made a Jibe. Kent and I saw him take a really good jump. Then the wind came up again. Unbelievable!!!

I rigged a 4.8, but was way over powered. I switched to the 4.2 and was still over powered, but stuck with that rig and my acid. I even tried the 3.3 and got planing now and then - but it wasn't enough. There were horizontal walls of spray that would hit you from the side as they blew off the top part of the waves.

Everyone else sailed on 4.2 and 3.7 sails. Others at the beach were 3.2 - most of the ladies were on 2.5's or 2.8. It was survival sailing. Some huge jumps for Ross, Andreas, Kent, and Mike. Mike managed to put a hole through his sail.... Big wipeouts and good video....

The locals were saying it was the windiest day this year at the Hatchery - some forecast...

Spencer got out again for a short ride late in the day, but was still way overpowered. Hopefully it will be a bit lighter tomorrow - so he can sail more.

Andres - ready to go out on his 4.2 Hucker!
Survival Sailing......
Spencer sailing the 3.3 and Acid Board - Late in the day!!!

No broken bones - No damage other than Mikes Sail - no lost equipment, Everyone got back to the beach and everyone is alive - Great Day!!!

Wednesday - Great day at the Hatchery

Great day for everyone at the hatchery. Most everyone was on 4.2 to 4.8.
Fairly big waves. We started sailing at around 9:00am - waves were glassy and not many people. Lots of people started arriving later and it got quite crowded.
Spencer had a great day for his first time the the Gorge, although the waves took some getting used to. He sailed on the 3.7 and 3.3 on my favoite board - the acid. Not sure if I will get it back any time soon.
Jim had an adventure, when he had a head on collission with another sailor. No one was hurt, but Jim's fin cut several inches into the other sailors board.
Took some photos of the Huckers for Andreas.
Sailed all day - everyone very tired - Italian for Supper!

Tuesday - Not Much Wind - Spencer Arrives

The forecast was for early sailing at Stevenson. Gerry and Ted got up early and were at Bob's Beach by 7:00 - yes AM. Unfortunately, the forecast was optimistic. We sat in the sun and watched the what wind was there slowly drop off. Two "Formula Guy's" showed up - excited because they usually don't get to practice in low wind.... even with their Formula Boards and 11m sales - they couldn't get going.
Some of the guy's went for a bike ride - and came back dripping wet - exhausted from a long ride in the 92 degree temperatures.
Late in the day the wind switched to Westerlies. We all went to the Hatchery. It looked sailable (barely) and Jim thought he would give it a go..... He rigged an 8m sail on his big board.
He actually got planing (sort of). Gerry, Kent and Harold all got "suckered" out - and did nothing but swim. Kent was the smart one - he just drifted around in the bay. Harold went for quite a swim and ended up down at Kodiak point...

Jim - Styling - showing off he Technique in the "Big Winds"

Blain and Brad - Impressed with all the action on the water!!
Jim actually got Planing!
Harold Holding down his sail in the big winds - ready to go out!Kent - swimming in!

Beer anyone? Another Great Day!
After the "Sailing Session" I drove to Portland to pick up Spencer.
When we got home - Andreas and Jordan demonstrated their Street Luge machine.
A few of us tried it out. We are all supposed to tell Louise that Spencer DID NOT TRY IT!!, but he says it was fun.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Monday - Bobs Beach

Another Easterly Day - although stronger than yesterday. Gerry called us from Bob's Beach wondering where we were. He had driven all night and started sailing early. We all had a great sail. I was on my 5.6 Hucker most of the day with some 6.6 late in the day when it started to drop off. Kent and I spent some time chasing each other around - a LOT OF FUN! Andreas and Ross had good Kiting sessions as well. All in all - a very good day with lots of sailing and a few ramps for jumping.

Pizza and Beer back at the house (Ross made an excellent salad).

Brad presented Gerry and Kent with their official 40-10 membership and shirts. To be a member you have to have reached 40-10, know how to sail a 5.0 sail, and be approved as a member by a vote. According to brad, the latter was a close thing......

The call for tomorrow is early (if at all) - so we are off to bed early - hope to be at the sailing site by 7:00am...... we will see...

The Gang having a Beer at Bob's Beach after many hours of sailing.

Sunday Spetember 8.
Bobs Beach was the call.
When we arrived Bart was doing the walk of shame with a 5.2 and small board.
The Queen of the Columbia, was docking at the pier just upwind creating a huge wind shadow. It stayed until 5:00pm.

How big was the Fish that Kent almost hit!

In Harolds infinite wisdom he rigged his 4.7? WTF!! Slogged all day - but stuck to it...

We all had great sessions on our 6.6 Huckers. It was "Hucker Fest" up wind - everyone Huckerizing Harold again and again and again and again.

Jim Said he Huckerized Harold twice in one reach.
Ted made the mistake of sailing by Kent and splashing him while he was slogging for a moment. Hmmm Same size sail, same size board and Kent is 60 lbs lighter - Kent had lots of opportunity later to get Ted - and took advantage of it. Did I mention we were going different directions...

Mike noticed Barts notoriety and feeling somewhat Jealous, he also rigged way to small and had a great slog fest while the rest of us were flying by him. Then because of his supperior sailing ability figured he could make the board go - if he just had the right fin.....so after changing fins, he treated everyone to place wagers on whether or not the power would flicker as he passed through the turbines at the Bonneville Dam.

When he got back - he decided that Kiting would be the Call. Ted Volunteered to help him launch... The Queen of the Columbia was still at the pier - blocking the wind in the launch zone and turning it into a rotar. As soon as the kite launched, it did a loop and crashed. Way down wind (and current) he managed to relaunch the kite - but couldn't swim upwind for the board because every time he moved the kite into the power zone - it would collapse.

Ted - feeling sorry for him - swam and swam and swam - halfway across the river and nearly 3/4 of the way to the Bonneville Dam to retrieve and deliver his board. "Ted says thanks to Mike for Buying him supper last night at the Three Rivers Grill!!!!"

Jim and Blain enjoying a "cool one" after a great session at Bobs Beach.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Saturday - Stevenson

Today we sailed at Stevenson from the Boat Launch, which is East of Bob's Beach.

With Easterly wind and Easterly Current, we thought this launch would give us a better chance of getting back to the beach. An Bob's Beach would be an alternate if we couldn't stay upwind.

6.6 meter sails were the call for most. I slogged on the 6.6 so got out my 8.7 and formula board. Had a pretty good sail, but the big rigs are sure a lot more work than the small ones.

Kent put his rig away and started to do work on the beach - talk about a committed worker......

Resting in the sun - after a low wind - but good day!

Well Here we are again!

Fall Gorge Trip 2007.

Blain, Harold, Kent, Ted, Ross, Jim S, Mike, and Brad.

Andreas sailed at the coast and joined us Sunday.

Friday - I arrived at the Hatchery about 2:00pm.

Blain, Kent, and Mike were already there.

Harold, Brad and Jim arrived about 4:00.

Great day on 4.2 sails - although a bit gusty.

No breakdowns or injuries....

Sailed until dark.